Tesla Owners of Silicon Valley (TOSV) is a fast-growing non-profit directly impacting Tesla owners and enthusiasts.

Tesla owners all around the world have come to appreciate TOSV for:

    • Online forums for answering members’ questions

    • Social events for networking and taking a first-hand look at modifications

    • Charity events such as National Drive Electric Week, Earth Day, and toy and food drives

    • Advocating for new features (e.g., Sentry Mode, waypoints, and backup camera video backup)

    • Resources on our webpage of trusted brands and service providers

    • Special events such as X Takeover

Since its inception, TOSV has planned and produced amazing events and experiences for its members. We ask members to consider donating to our non-profit or being a Patreon sponsor.

Help grow this community and movement as we push for a brighter tomorrow, not only in Silicon Valley but worldwide.